Sudden growth of "Active Users Ratio" in "The Federation" after #Facebook / #CambridgeAnalytica - Scandal:

the federation - a statistics hub

the federation - a statistics hub

Podlist and statistics for The Federation (diaspora*, Friendica, Hubzilla, GangGo, Socialhome).
from Diaspora
Also, the number of active users in the last month has almost doubled since March 19:

Source: The Federation | April 5 2018, 15:55
Source: The Federation | April 5 2018, 15:55
I guess the peaks in this graph are the Facebook scandals. My bet is that it'll drop again after a couple of weeks... as the news fade and users return to Facebook and buissness as usual. But it was nice to meet you all

since Hubzilla is named Hubzilla never ever have been so much "total user"